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Picture:  The Canadian visa office in Shanghai.  Once more we apply for something that should be a mere formality.

Chinese Word of the Day: 高兴
(gāo xìng literally "high" + "prosper, rise, prevail")  happy

June 19, 2011 Once More to the Visa Office

We left our apartment sharply at six on Thursday morning and were on the G train (G standing for 高 gāo meaning tall or highest, or in this case fastest.) for Shanghai by 7:02am.  By nine we were in the Canadian visa office in Shanghai, and by ten we were out on the street again and looking for a Starbucks.

  Picture:  The Canadian visa office in Shanghai.  We got here early.  Picture:  Panda fills out yet more forms in the Canadian visa office, Shanghai.
I made sure the mane behind the desk took note of the stack of support material with the re-application for Panda's Canadian visa.  I also managed to take a few pictures in the visa office before an office worker pointed to the sign that said "no mobile phones" and "no smoking", and told me pictures were not allowed.

After her first application for a visa was turned down, we gathered some support information for our second try.  It included letters from Ruth's housemates in Winnipeg, and letters of support from six of my friends and relatives, as well as a print out of twenty pages of this website that refer to Panda.  If they turn us down this time, I'm going to demand a Royal Commission investigation.
Many thanks to Catherine and Susan for the effort they put into faxing us the support letters, and thanks to Kathleen Morse, Darleen and Ken Smith, Colleen Crossley, and Dave Clement for adding their invitations to the pile.  Keep your fingers crossed, folks.  I really hope we can show off our country to Panda this summer.

Picture:  Another 800 RMB goes into the cashier window as Panda applies again for a Canadian visa in Shanghai.
The Auditor General should take a look at this situation.  800 RMB for a reapplication is far above the cost of processing.  What a scam my government is running in Shanghai.

At loose ends for the day in Shanghai, we stepped aboard a tour bus that lets you get on and off for twenty four hours on a 30 RMB pass. I couldn't stay awake, and got off close to our hotel for a nap and a great violin practice, leaving Ruth and Panda to tour and talk.

Picture:  From the upper deck of the tour bus, I was on the same level as the flower baskets.  Shanghai, China.  Picture:  This guy was attracting attention with his people mover, but he said it is priced too high for them to be sold in China.

That evening we managed to connect again with Jenny and her boyfriend, and Lv Min and her husband Simon, for another feast at Zen restaurant in the Raffles complex across from People Square.

Picture:  Ruth with Lv Min (Jenny) and her husband Simon in Zen Restaurant, Shianghai Picture:  Our friend Jenny and her boyfriend in Zen Restaurant, Shanghai.
Great to get in a visit with old friends and former students. 

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